martes, 19 de agosto de 2008

Lets Chenge the World ..

 How a  Kid can make the Difference ......... Cultivate  Change start a Transformation .............. 

I born in the christian Family and i was raised up as a christian Kid, so all the summer vacations i used to go to the Vacation Biblical Studies .... (and i love it ), i remember really well ones of those memories that stays there for the rest of your life that some americans from the north get there to this small church and they try to speak spanish to me and they did try so much, but i did understand that God want me to first speak english to be able to translate and be a translator, i remember saw me as a kid being in love with Jesus and really care and studying the Bible and enjoy it so much with the Bibles stories and that desired to know God and make Him known start to growing up more and more, but yes i get so impacted as a Kid for a team from United States long long long time ago and still when i ' m going to translate or even just going to drive to the teams i ' m pretty sure that all the program or the games or the love that the teams share with those kids going to have and impact in theirs life's, causes it happens to me, so this team from Wisconsin make a difference and see all you guys desired to impact and share the Love of God reminds me Who i ' m and what i ' m doing here in Costa Rica and where i ' m Going. 
i ' m working in the San Jose Base and i love the work that i ' m doing and the desired that i have in my life is see a lot of kids, youths raisin up and they going and coming to the nations, change peoples hearts to change nations ........ and with this make reality the Great Commission and share the Love of God to all this communities, nations, and then the World......
i ' m pretty sure "that all the things that you do in this life echoes in eternity" 
lets Chenge the World ...........................

1 comentario:

katherina dijo...

me encanta esa foto, con la palabra "hope" escrita en su camiseta...

sabes? yo quiero ser SIEMPRE parte de esas personas que marquen la diferencia, de la generación que no se conforma, que no se acomoda, quiero ser parte de la "revolución de amorrrrr", mi infancia no fue como la tuya, a mi me costó demasiado creer realmente que Dios me amaba, pero una vez que lo conoces, es imposible no sentir su amor, no mostrarlo, no amar al mundo y querer dar todo lo que hay en ti... [si no tienes amor... de nada sirve]

como diria mi gran amiga Sara... quieres ser multitud o discipulo??
¡¡¡siempre discipuloooooooooo!!!

thanks for your coment!! que tengais un buen dia por esa parte del mundo!! bendicioens infinitas