miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010

John Wesley 's Three Plain Rules

Jonh Wesley Motto...
Gain all you Can!!!! Save all you Can !!!! Give all you Can !!!!!

Newsletter .... i hope you guys like it .. November 2010

Hey how are you guys, i hope that you doing ok i just want to share our need with you guys... there is some guys in our school as you guys know we have a Disciple Training School in this Time in San Jose and im Leading it . is been awesome this Journey that God is take in Us in all this time, we are in week Number # 8 and God is doing amazing things in our Lifes............as you guys know we still have to accomplish the second part of the school. which is Outreach or the Assigned Location, God was soo clear about us Going to Europe for Outreach . we are soo Ready to go there . but we Missing 2 people in our School.. that they didn't have the Money to go .. and they still owe some money for Lecture Phase . im just want to ask you guys if is posible that you guys can pray about it . if you feel that you need to help with wherever God put in your Heart .. we are going to be in Berlin trying to bring the Kingdom and Love of God back to the heart of Europe...

like Martin Luther did almost 500 years agooo

we want to bring a Torch of Light to Europe Help us to this 2 guys can go with Us .. their names are Manuel and Melanie .

soo Blessing .... and thanks for Reading this ..
and we have untill tomorrow to paid the tickets................

we want to take then as well...

blessings thanks again

tony del rio and Staff and Student //


1 comentario:

warnerisaac dijo...

tuaniss mae loka, mae esta tuaniss la vara de la ede mae y si estare orando por ustedes mae, yo se que mae para Dios no hay nada imposible mae y que el les dara aun mas de lo que necesitan mae, buena nota mae y si gracias por el ejemplo y motivacion que inspiran para seguir en esta vara de las misiones mae, pura vida loko y tuaniss mae, buena nota!!!