martes, 22 de marzo de 2011

Destiny and Purpose in Life......

hello everybody, yes,
I know soo long time again this is me..
the Revolution minded guy .... tony .....ALWAYS MOVING FORWARD but
after a while being quiet in like Silence is time to shared some good Stuff,
as Christopher McCandless: [written into book] Happiness only real when shared..

so here we go ...

Well i will start sharing with you guys about my trip to Germany the last Fall it was just amazing, Cold, and freezzing cold but was good, we stay in Germany for more that 40 Days, in beetween Berlin, Hamburg and Straubing ( south of Germany,Bayern Province .

We were like 21 people in total, from 5 diferents Nations, and we have some Latino Party Nites, a lot of dance ( salsa and Merenge lessons )
it was soo cool the Students growing with God, and sharing with other people througth Songs, Dances, and personal time about how to know God better.....he

also we have some amazing experiences with God,, Providing every single thing that we need it in Germany ( chocolate, Jackets the "Fancy ones", Translaters, Friends, Family, Food and even place to stay in couple of ocassions that we didnt have a place to sleep... ( thank you everybody you know, who you are ) VIELEN DANK

Reformation and Revolution
As well in those 40 days that we stay in Germany travelling over germany it start something in my heart that has been there for a while, that a lot of people knows that i have if you meet me, the Whole Revolution and Reformation is so big for me,
i believe that the Reformation and Revolution going together is so link one to another one.

"The Protestant Reformation, also called the Protestant Revolt or the Reformation "
remeber that this take place in Germany ahh down about the topic

Revolution (from the Latin revolutio, "a turn around") is a fundamental change in power or organizational structures that takes place in a relatively short period of time.

Im so passionate about this cause i think that this times are the rigth season that we going to see this....

i will like as well share some thougths about our Time in Germany, and God put some words in ours Hearts while i was in Berlin, is this Verse in Isaiah 43:18-19 (NIV) ~ Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing!

as we know the History of Germany, but wait before go there i will like to talk with some of my friends from Germany to see if i can share about this with them, is nothing personal or something bad but i will posted something about this topic soon ...... Erweckung .....

"The core of mans' spirit comes from new experiences"

so it was amazing our time in the old continent and make realize how important are the new experiences,of be leading the group all over germany througth the Regional Trains all over germany it was just amazing and after that time, was a time of Rest......

and .....

it was time to get Ready for the Xtreme Dts and Backpackers that start already in April
i want to

let you guys with this thought from Supertram as well from the Movie Into the Wild ...
"When you want something in life, you just gotta reach out and grab it"

dnt let that the difficulty or troubles,
Busyness or anything let you that you grab your

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