martes, 14 de junio de 2011

........... Revolution that is all about ............

Hey Guys and Friends, Just wanted to let you know how the things going, here in the Base
and the Ministry Revolution, well we start already with some skateboard events,
like some contest and some Skate game ( best trick stand ) well is so cool see God Response with All this Events, includes the big Event in April 16th in la Sabana, it was just Amazing the ammount of People that show up and they bring the Skateboard as well, long board as well and just ride the Skateboard place in la Sabana...was Just Amazing, we also have the oportunity to skateboard with "Jud the Farm Boy Heald "
it was just so cool...this is the site if you want to check their site

And this is the link for the Skate Urbano in la Sabana

feel free to check it out ...

And this month actually the 19th of June we have in Costa Rica the Skateboard day soo we will be there with our Ramps,,, soo be aware of the pictures and Videos to be download as soon the day is over and the same saturday we will teach some kids in a Barrio Santa Ana, in San Jose some Skateboard tricks ,,,we will take ours Skateboard and show them the Revolution of Love, with the Skateboard to the Barrios,,,,

yes we will partner with the Metro Ministry ... the Yellow Truck that we have in the Base, with a Friend Renate Fast, we will do some Ministry there .. as well
wait for the Pictures ....\\\\\

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